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The Folklore Book Tag

Even if you don’t like Taylor Swift I really hope that you stick around because these prompts are amazing.

I really really like Taylor’s music. So, a week ago, when she surprised us all with her new album, I freaked out. As expected, Folklore is the only thing I’ve listened to (obsessively) the whole entire week. Now that I’ve had time to properly digest it and learn all the lyrics by heart, I wanted to do a book tag on it!

This tag was created by Ilsa @ย A Whisper Of Ink.

the 1

a book with an ending that left you speechless

Crystal Storm by Morgan Rhodes

This book’s ending left my mouth hanging open. This installment was very good but I could not see how there was supposed to be a whole entire book left in this series. But that ending was so surprising and, after reading it, I was very excited to find out what was going to happen next.


a book that makes you feel happy and sad all at once

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

This was one of the very first books I fell in love with. To this day it fills me with so much joy and nostalgia. However, anyone who has read this knows that this isn’t the happiest story out there. So, this novel makes me incredibly sad, but I’m… happy about that? Who knows.

the last great american dynasty

a book with a fascinating and extremely well-told story

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

This is, without a doubt, one of the most amazing and inspiring stories I have ever read. I recommend it to everyone because it is an eye opener. I learned so much and I am so grateful that I can, at the very least, begin to understand what these people went through at such a difficult time.


a book you wish you hadn’t read

Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

I thought that I was going to love this book. But… I didn’t. Nonetheless, the main reason I wish I hadn’t read this is because it has kept me from reading other books by this author. I have heard so many wonderful things about her other novels and I just can’t bring myself to read them.

my tears ricochet

a book that made you cry uncontrollably

All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

This book made me cry so much that I literally spent about two hours sobbing my eyes out. I didn’t even bother to finish it because I was so devastated (even though I saw it coming). It’s been years and, by this point, I don’t think I will ever be able to make myself read those chapters that I left unread.


a book that feels like it was written just for you

Beach Read by Emily Henry

I am in love with this book. As time passes, I just fall more in love with it. Everyday. I feel that this story was written for me. I was able to relate to it so much and it made me think about my life and my choices. I am so grateful that I read this.


a childhood book that makes you feel nostalgic

The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams Bianco,ย ย William Nicholsonย (Illustrator)

This was the very first book my parents ever bought me. They gave it to me on my seventh birthday (which fits with the song perfectly) and I spent the entire day reading it. I love this so much and it makes me so nostalgic that I am about to cry as I’m writing this. If you don’t know yet, Spanish is my first language, so I searched for the cover of the edition that they bought me… I am a mess right now.


a book that reminds you of summer

Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen

Sarah Dessen books always have a summery vibe, which I love. This book, in particular, is so calm and relaxing that it always reminds me of how detoxicating summer can be. I have never been a party person and I don’t enjoy very rambunctious situations. For me, summer has always been about reading and spending time with family and friends. I feel that this book completely encompasses that idea.

this is me trying

a book that deals with loneliness and sadness

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

If you’ve read this book, you know what I’m talking about. I think that this story has a very interesting and disturbing take on loneliness and sadness. I really don’t have anything else to add, but I really recommend it.

illicit affairs

a book that gave you a book hangover

Emma by Jane Austen

I chose Emma because it was my most recent book hangover. I didn’t know the story at all till I saw the 2020 movie adaptation (which I loved). Immediately after I read the book and I completely fell in love with the characters and the story. I think it is so funny and sweet. I love Emma’s growth and how good she is (because she is so nice, you cannot argue me on that, I don’t care if she’s spoiled). So, after I read this at the beginning of quarantine I wasn’t really in the mood to read or watch anything besides Emma.

invisible string

a book that came into your life at the exact right time

All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

I think this might be my favorite Colleen Hoover book and it really hurts me that not everyone loved it as much as I did. I spent a day reading it, which means that I spent an entire day crying. I read this book at a very important and pivotal moment of my life, and I really think that it helped overcome some stuff. I am so grateful for this story and characters, they give me life.

mad woman

a book with a female character you adore

Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare

How can I not choose the amazing women that are in this book. Cordelia Carstairs is becoming one of my favorite characters ever because she is so smart, brave, persistent, and basically the best. However, I can’t not mention all of the other amazing women that are part of this book. Anna Lightwood, Lucie Herondale, Tessa Herondale, Charlotte Fairchild, Grace Blackthorn (I guess, even if I think she was birthed by the demon) and so many more. They are all so badass and I love them.


a book that is haunting

Verity by Colleen Hoover

This book gave me nightmares for a week straight. True, I am the biggest coward but this is extremely creepy and disturbing. I do not understand how someone was able to come up with a story like this one. If you want to know more about that go check out my review and rant about it all.


a book couple that fills you with yearning

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

The Hating Game is one of my favorite romance novels EVER. I adore it. EVERYTHING. Every chapter, scene, paragraph, sentence, word… ALL OF IT. So, obviously, I adore Lucinda Hutton and Joshua Templeman. They are one of my favorite couples ever and I never get tired of reading about them.


a book character you’d die for because you love them so much

Magnus and Alec from the Shadowhunter Chronicles

I really really tried to pick other characters because I’ve mentioned Cassandra Clare way too much recently. But, honestly, I couldn’t really think of anyone besides Magnus and Alec. The moment I read this prompt, I thought about them. They are precious and I love their journeys. They are wonderful together and apart.


a book you thought you were going to love but didn’t

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

I am very good friends with many of my previous high school teachers (don’t judge). So, when one of my favorite teachers told me how much she loved this book and explained what it was about, I was super hyped to read it. After I finished it, I didn’t hate but I didn’t love it. I thought it was a very good story, but I never continued the series (which I think speaks for itself). However, I haven’t given up on it and I am planning on giving it another chance.

If you want more amazing recommendations depending on the songs, go check out what A Little Shelf Righteous picked. Believe me, hers are way better than mine (and don’t depend solely on a prompt).

What did you guys think of the album? Which were your favorite and least favorite songs? And if you’re not a Taylor fan, what did you think of my picks? Let me know!!